
Showing posts with the label Machine Learning

How to detect Credit Card Fraud Using Python Pandas

  Detecting fraud in credit card transactions is an important application of Machine Learning. Given below is a step-by-step guide on how to approach fraud detection using Python (Pandas and Scikit-Learn) with the Credit Card Fraud Detection Dataset from Kaggle: Data source: Credit Card Fraud Detection Dataset Step 1: Data Preprocessing Start by importing the necessary libraries and loading the dataset into a Pandas DataFrame. import pandas as pd # Load the dataset data = pd.read_csv('creditcard.csv') #replace with the downloaded file path # Explore the dataset print(data.head()) Output: Step 2: Data Exploration Understand the dataset by checking its structure, summary statistics, and class distribution (fraudulent vs. non-fraudulent transactions). # Check the dataset shape print (data.shape) # Check summary statistics #print(data.describe()) # Check class distribution print (data[ 'Class' ].value_counts()) Output: ( 284...