Assessment: Module "Moving from VBA to Python Pandas"


For this assessment, you will be provided with a large dataset containing sales transactions from a retail company. Your task is to perform various data analysis tasks using Pandas to provide insights into the company's sales performance.


  1. Load the dataset into a Pandas DataFrame.
  2. Perform data cleaning and preprocessing as necessary.
  3. Calculate the total revenue for each month.
  4. Calculate the average revenue per transaction for each month.
  5. Calculate the total revenue for each product category.
  6. Identify the top-selling products and product categories.
  7. Create visualizations to present your findings.


The dataset contains the following columns:

  • TransactionID: unique ID for each transaction
  • CustomerID: ID for the customer who made the transaction
  • ProductID: ID for the product sold
  • ProductCategory: category of the product sold
  • TransactionDate: date of the transaction
  • TransactionAmount: total amount of the transaction

You can download the dataset from the following link:

Note: The dataset contains 1 million rows, so make sure your computer has enough memory to handle it. If your computer is not powerful enough, you can use a smaller subset of the dataset for your analysis


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